Forensic Advisory Services

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Forensic Advisory Services

In recent years, technological and digital advancements facilitated rapid growth and globalization of businesses, leading to increased reliance on ERP solutions that maintain huge volumes of data.

Whilst new opportunities arise, they also come at a cost of exposure to potential risks:

  1. Information security and privacy breaches.
  2. The increased sophistication of fraud and cybercrime.
  3. Complexity in legislation and regulations across different geographies.
  4. Miscalculated ventures in emerging markets and unfamiliar business partners.
  5. Theft and misuse of intellectual property.
Fraud & Corruption Prevention Services

It is the fiduciary Duty of owners, boards of directors and executive management to act with integrity and to ensure that adequate measures and controls are in place to manage fraud and corruption risks amongst other business risks.

Furthermore, the regulatory requirements, be it financial or operational have become more stringent, hence the boards and executive management should ensure that proper governance is in place and an effective compliance function is managing the emerging risks.

  1. Fraud risk assessment.
  2. Code of conduct.
  3. Fraud and corruption prevention frameworks.
  4. Independent assessment of fraud management activities.
  5. Reporting optimization.
  6. Anti-fraud compliance frameworks.
  7. Compliance review.
  8. Independent assessment of anti-fraud compliance function.
  9. Reporting optimization.
  10. Develop whistle-blower policy and framework.
  11. Manage whistle-blower system.
  12. Independent assessment of whistle-blower policy and function.
  13. Investigate whistle-blower incidents.
  14. Reporting optimization.
Forensic Data Analytics

The more complex and sophisticated the information management solutions become, the greater are the threats of errors and malicious abuse this information; consequently, exposing the organizations to loss of assets, potential litigation and reputational damage.

Our specialists can help you analyze huge sets of data and identify. Our data analytics is a powerful tool to unravel the mysteries within huge organizational data.


Fraud & Misconduct Investigations

We conduct independent fact-finding investigations by highly skilled professionals while maintaining strict confidentiality. Our investigation capabilities are targeted towards identifying the facts and correlating them to provide the stakeholders with unbiased transparent encapsulation of the incident details for a more informed decision to be made whilst complying with the prevailing legislations and regulatory requirements.